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About us

This website was created in order to help basketball players finding a basketball job. Whatever level and experience you have, we want to give you a chance to make your basketball dreams come true. You don't have to sign a contract with an agent neither send hundreds of emails to the teams, we will present your profile directly to the teams and coaches to give you better chance to be the one for them. Your profile will be shown to the teams in different leagues all around the Europe.

If you want to be a part of this project, please make a registration and we give you a chance to continue in your basketball carreer.

This project was done by basketball agency JT Sports Management which was established in 2013. We are ex-professional basketball players with many years of experience. During our careers we have gained such experience that we would like to relay to everyone who needs a help to get a same opportunity that we had.

Our goal is your satisfaction with the services we offer.


Jan and Tomas Selinger

JT Sports Management